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Student Mailing List
The student mailing list allows the campus community to send email messages to all students.
- Anyone in the campus community can send a message by emailing or posting in the Students Google Group.
- All submissions will be held for review to confirm each follows the guidelines and requirements in the Broadcast Email and Mailing Lists Policy.
- Approved messages appear in the Students Google Group immediately and are sent to students in a daily digest.
- Rejected messages will send a generic notification to the sender. Reviewing staff may follow up with details and recommendations.
Key guidelines
Read the complete guidelines in the Broadcast Email and Mailing Lists Policy.
- Messages must be related to college business.
- Messages must come from an email address.
- Messages to the student mailing list must begin the subject line with one of the following tags: [Safety], [Opportunity], [Event], [Services], or [Institution].
- Messages must be accessible and should be concise.
A maximum of three (3) messages may be sent each term about a given topic to each audience.
- A topic is the subject of a message, or what recipients are asked, offered, or given. Most things have a single topic: “apply to this internship.” Some things have multiple topics: “audition to perform,” and, “attend a performance.”
- Repeat messages must be sent at least three (3) days after the previous message.
- Events promoted in mailing lists must first be added to the website calendar before any messages are sent.
How to send
- Log into or access your Beloit College email account.
- “Compose” a new email.
Start the subject line with the relevant tag, followed by a title which summarizes the information to share.
- [Safety] Keep your belongings safe, keep your room locked
- [Opportunity] Local accounting internship available over summer
- [Event] Senior art exhibition opening reception
- [Services] Tutoring is available for any course
- [Institution] Spring semester course registration process
- Write the email body as the recipients should read it. Remember to keep the message concise and accessible, as well as linking to any relevant resources.
- Put into the To: field.
- Review your email for any typos or inaccuracies.
- When ready, hit “Send” your email.
- Once reviewed, you should receive an email informing you if the message was accepted or rejected.
Planning the timing of repeat messages
Avoid sending at the last minute (within 24 hours)
Given the review process and inconsistent timing of the daily digest, messages submitted on the last possible day may not appear in students’ inboxes until the following day. Aim to submit your last message 1-2 days before the last possible day.
Aim to use all three messages available to you
Plan your messages to send across at least one weeks’ time to take advantage of the three messages available to each topic. If you do not have a week of time available, then make the most of the time you have.
Remember: you can always send at least one message so long as your content is still relevant (i.e. before an event). Don’t hesitate to make use of it.
Content specific suggestions
Single Event
- First message: 10-14 days before
- Second: 6-8 days before
- Third: 1-2 days before
Series of Distinct Events (Residencies, Earth Week, etc.)
- First message: all events in single email, 2 weeks before
- Second: all events in a single email, 1 weeks before
- Third: individual emails for each event, 1-2 days before each
Repeated Offering of Same Event (fitness classes, performances, etc.)
- First message: 3-7 days before the first instance
- Second: a third of the way through the offerings
- Third: two-thirds of the way through the offerings
- First message: when first available, or at most 3-4 weeks before
- Second: halfway to deadline, or at most 1.5-2 weeks before
- Third: 2-4 days before the deadline
Give your Audience the Time they need
Adjust the timing to match the effort needed to complete the given task. For instance, if a student needs a few days to get references for an application, then the final reminder for the deadline should be planned for a week before the deadline to given ample time.
Example: “[Opportunity] apply to study Abroad”
- First message: first week of the term
- Second: halfway to deadline
- Third: two weeks before the deadline
- Additional events which can give additional exposure in the longer gaps between messages: information sessions, application workshops, panels of returning students, etc.
- First message: when first relevant
- Second and Third: if needed
Example: “[Services] Tutors are available “
- First message: the first week of classes
- Second: two weeks before midterms
- Third: one week after midterm break
Example: “[Institution] Jack Castor is our Director of Program”
- First message: once the information can be shared
- Second and Third: not needed
General information
Messages covering general topics should be sent via the student mailing list using the suggestions in the “For services or information” section.
- Reminders to keep personal spaces, cars, and bikes locked.
- Reminders to keep windows closed during winter.
- Notifications of upcoming work on campus, areas to avoid.
- Etc.
Immediate or Emergency Notifications
Messages that require campus to be notified immediately should be sent through RAVE or StuAlert, rather than the student mailing list.
- Emergency situations, including inclement weather, hazardous environments, or ongoing crime.
- Sudden outages to utilities or closing of buildings, including loss of power, water, heat, cooling.
- Messages which inform campus of updates or the resolution of these situations.
- Etc.
The offices who need to send these messages should already have access to do. If you feel you need access to send via StuAlert, or have questions about its use, please contact LITS Support (